UCA Faculty and Staff Payroll Deduction

Payroll Deduction
Your Information

I am: (check all that apply) Required Field
I am: (check all that apply)

Display Name on Donor Roll Required Field
Display Name on Donor Roll
Display Gift Amount on Donor Roll Required Field
Display Gift Amount on Donor Roll
Email: Required Field


Please designate which fund you would like your payroll deduction to go to. The complete list of funds can be found here. You may choose multiple funds.

Payroll Deduction Authorization

A minimum of 3 months is required for payroll deduction. You can make a gift by check, cash or card if it is less than 3 months.

Check one of the following: Required Field
Check one of the following:

I hereby authorize UCA Human Resources to deduct the following amount from my salary.

Please indicate the amount you want deducted monthly and per pay period.

Effective the following dates:
Open the calendar popup.

Open the calendar popup.